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ReParented by God

God has not forsaken you -
even if your Earthly parents did.


"A mother may forget about the baby she has nursed, but I will never forget you; see, I have etched your name on the palms of my hands, a constant reminder of my love for you." - Isaiah 49:15-16

Experiencing neglect or abandonment can create attachment wounds that affect self-worth, trust in others, and ability to form healthy relationships, often leaving lasting emotional scars that shape how you view yourself and the world.  


What will this ReParented by God workshop do?


This workshop will guide you through the process of clinical healing, spiritual healing and transformation. During this process, you will learn how to allow God to fill the role of the parent in your life and gain the knowledge and techniques for healing emotional wounds, rejection, and abandonment from earthly parents or caregivers.

ReParented by God
ReParented by God

Why ReParented by God?

My childhood trauma broke the emotional bond and attachment between God and I. I simply could not understand “why” He allowed certain things to happen to me. It felt as though my faith was shattered; and in the wake of those experiences, I questioned the very essence of my beliefs. Each time I reached out in prayer, it felt as if my words vanished into a void, unheard and unacknowledged.


I wrestled with feelings of anger and betrayal, grappling with the idea of a loving God who could stand by while suffering unfolded in my life. I wanted answers. REAL answers. Yet, all I found were more reasons to doubt. In the aftermath of my trauma, there were brief instances where I felt an inkling of connection. Yet, these moments were fleeting and often clouded by the suffering and pain of my unhealed emotional wounds.


My healing journey and my clinical work as a therapist helped answer many questions. However, the best part of the journey was learning how to posture myself so that I can be re-parented by God. It has been a beautiful journey. As with everything else I have done, I desire for people to heal from trauma; but now it’s time to focus on repairing the bond that trauma broke between God and His people.

Meet Your Facilitator

Crystal R. Currie, LCMHC, TF-CBT, ABD

Crystal R Currie

Rebuilding Your Inner Foundation

Matthew 7:24-27

Discovering Who You Were Before the Trauma

Jeremiah 29:11

Stepping into the Fullness of Your True Self

Ephesians 3:19

Making Choices that Align with Your Destiny

Proverbs 3:5-6

Reparenting Your Inner Child Through Prayer and Affirmations

Romans 8:15

Forgive and Release the Past

Colossians 3:13

What We Will Cover

How Do I Know This Workshop Is For Me?

Find it hard to form healthy, trusting relationships because you didn’t always feel supported or valued growing up.

Overgiving of yourself to avoid abandonment and rejection. 

Hard on yourself or others, because you didn’t receive the care and validation you needed when you were younger.

Rush into relationships because you’re longing for love and connection, or you may push people away completely to protect yourself from being hurt again.

Your past wounds make you react strongly to certain things, even if they’re not necessarily a warning sign.

Hard to feel secure without other people telling you that you matter because you didn’t receive that reassurance from your parents.

Feels like you keep repeating the same mistakes or patterns, because the emotional needs that were unmet in your childhood still influence how you behave today.

You were made to feel unimportant or unloved by your parents so it is hard to believe that God loves you just as you are.

Struggle to depend on God for help because you learned to rely on yourself due to the lack of support from your parents.

I'm ready to make a change.
What's my investment?


Reg Price: $787 - 40% Savings

Reg $787 - 40% Savings

Sezzle Crystal R Currie
Afirm Crystal R Currie

Look for the Affirm and Sezzle options at checkout for the opportunity to split your workshop cost into easy installments.

If you would like to attend but Affirm or Sezzle are not viable payment options for you, please reach out to for additional support. We're happy to assist you with alternative arrangements.

Hilton Garden Inn Ayrsley

Our Haven to Heal

ReParented by God will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC. A dedicated experience has been curated to ensure you have a safe-space to be vulnerable and heal. ​

All meals and workshop materials are included.

Charlotte, NC

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